
Welcome to FlightNG!


The next generation of flight controller software is here.

什么是FlightNG?它注重于什么?/What's FlightNG? What's the focus?

FlightNG 是一支专注于 AT32F43x 芯片的飞控固件团队,致力于 AT32 飞控的性能提升与固件移植。

FlightNG is a team that focuses on the flight controller firmware of the AT32 F43x chipset, commited to the performance improvement and firmware porting of the AT32 based flight controller.

目标是什么?/What's the goal of FlightNG?

FlightNG 旨在成为构建下一代飞行控制器的平台,并为用户带来最优秀的体验。

FlightNG is designed to be a platform for building next generation flight controllers, and provide users with the best user experience.